On the popular television show, “Mad Men,” you’ll find copywriters vigorously supporting the efforts of the Madison Avenue advertising firms of the 1960’s. While copy creation specialists continue to apply their mastery to “all things words,” it is blog writing that keeps copywriters busy these days.
The new way to sell
The path to the consumer has changed. While brands use to focus on a “push” approach to marketing their offering, “creating solutions to challenges” has taken its place. Buyers care more about how well a supplier can meet their needs then responding to that which is thrust in their face.
As a result of 24-hour television, email, text, and social media noise people face every day, they are going directly to the Internet to search for and feel out answers to their quests for consumer satisfaction. This means that purveyors of goods and services must stay very aggressive in their online presence.
Why is there so much demand for blog writing?
One of the easiest and most productive ways to stay proactive on the web is by way of the company blog. The goal should be to introduce at least one blog post each week. It should be made up of content that is both beneficial and applicable to the needs of your clients and prospects. On top of this, your flow of information must be consistent.
Unfortunately, many businesses lack the time, talent, or human resources to produce high-quality blog posts and keep up with the required timetable. As a result, the blog sites of many organizations feature dated or erratic posts that, at best, reflect poorly on their offering, ability and customer service.
It is for this reason so many of today’s professional copywriters find themselves up to their ears in writing blog posts for their clients. What’s best is that much of the blog copy they create can easily be used in other projects. It is the pinnacle of a coordinated marketing approach when well-viewed, online content is used within press releases, brochures, email campaigns, website copy, and the like.
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